Our History in Concert Programmes
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1990-1991 -0- Season Brochure
1991-1992 -0- Season Brochure
1992-1993 -0- Season Brochure
1993-1994 -0- Season Brochure
1993-1994 -2- Jane Coop piano with winds
1993-1994 -3- Few and Trudel brass
1994-1995 -0- Season Brochure
1994-1995 -1- Quarteto Gelato mixed wind and string ensemble
1994-1995 -3- St Lawrence String Quartet
1994-1995 -4- Tafelmusik Early Music Orchestra
1994-1995 -5- Phoenix Chamber Choir
1995-1996 -0- Season Brochure
1995-1996 -1- St Petersburg String Quartet
1995-1996 -2- Nancy Argenta early music soprano
1995-1996 -3- Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
1996-1997 -0- Season Brochure
1996-1997 -1- Ian Hominick
1996-1997 -2- Les Violons Du Roy with Andre LaPlante
1996-1997 -3- Aeolian Winds
1996-1997 -4- Canadian Guitar Trio
1996-1997 -5- Soweto Sings (Choir)
1997-1998 -0- Season Brochure
1997-1998 -1- European Union Chamber Orchestra
1997-1998 -2- Anonymous early music ensemble
1997-1998 -3- Winds of Southern Cross strings voice
1997-1998 -4- Anton Kuerti piano
1997-1998 -5- Elektra Choir Touch of Brass
1998-1999 -0- Season Brochure
1998-1999 -1- Scholars of London small vocal ensemble
1998-1999 -2- Chinook Duo duo piano
1998-1999 -3- Kevin McMillan baritone
1998-1999 -4- Lafayette String Quartet
1998-1999 -5- Octagon large mixed ensemble
1999-2000 -0- Season Brochure
1999-2000 -1- Arthur Le Blanc Quartet and Vetta Quartet
1999-2000 -2- Trio Lyra violin viola harp
1999-2000 -3- La Pieta small string orchestra
1999-2000 -4- Ian Parker piano
1999-2000 -5- Chor Leoni chorus
2000-2001 -0- Season Brochure
2000-2001 -1- Schubert Ensemble piano string trio
2000-2001 -2- I Musici de Montreal small string orchestra
2000-2001 -3- Janina Fialkowska piano
2000-2001 -4- Jack Glatzer violin
2000-2001 -5- Nathaniel Dett Chorale choir
2001-2002 -0- Season Brochure
2001-2002 -1- Pacific Baroque Orchestra early music
2001-2002 -2- Mark Dubois tenor
2001-2002 -3- Rita Costanzi harpist
2001-2002 -4- Vogler String Quaret and Angela Cheng piano
2001-2002 -5- Elmer Iseler Singers Choir
2002-2003 -0- Season Brochure
2002-2003 -1- Andrew Dawes and Jane Coop violin piano duo
2002-2003 -2- Borealis Quartet with cello
2002-2003 -3- Jean Stillwell Mezzo soprano
2002-2003 -4- Gryphon Trio piano violin cello
2002-2003 -5- Great Mozart Hunt w bassoon & actor
2002-2003 -6- Manitoba Chamber Orchestra
2003-2004 -0- Season Brochure
2003-2004 -1- Da Camera mixed wind string small ensemble
2003-2004 -2- Penderecki String Quartet
2003-2004 -3- Burney Ensemble early music small ensemble
2003-2004 -4- Ronan OHora piano
2003-2004 -5- Via Salzburg small string orchestra
2003-2004 -6- CBC Orchestra winds with Alain Trudel
2004-2005 -0- Season Brochure
2004-2005 -1- Vancouver Chamber Choir
2004-2005 -2- Tafelmusik early music orchestra
2004-2005 -3- George Zukerman bassoon
2004-2005 -4- Vlach String Quartet
2004-2005 -5- Jerusalem Trio string trio
2004-2005 -6- Pascal Rogé piano
2005-2006 -0- Season Brochure
2005-2006 -1- Denise Djocik cello
2005-2006 -2- Cuban National Choir chorus
2005-2006 -3- Marcus Groh piano
2005-2006 -4- Philippe Magnon oboe
2005-2006 -5- Jupiter String Quartet
2005-2006 -6- Violons du Roy chamber orchestra
2006-2007 -0- Season Brochure
2006-2007 -1- Jasper Wood violin
2006-2007 -2- New Zealand String Quartet with James Campbell clarinet
2006-2007 -3- Ben Heppner tenor
2006-2007 -4- Guy Few – A Few More – wind ensemble
2006-2007 -5- Little Eagles of Siberia childrens choir
2006-2007 -6- Roberto Plano piano
2007-2008 -0- Season Brochure
2007-2008 -1- Kodaly Quartet
2007-2008 -2- Daniel Bolshoy guitar
2007-2008 -3- CBC Orchestra
2007-2008 -4- Susan Platts vocal soloist
2007-2008 -5- Winds of the Southern Cross large wind ensemble
2007-2008 -6- Vancouver Chamber Choir
2007-2008 -7- Vladimir Ovchinnikov piano
2008-2009 -0- Season Brochure
2008-2009 -1- George Zukerman bassoon Borealis Quartet
2008-2009 -2- St Petersburg Quartet
2008-2009 -3- Canadian Brass
2008-2009 -4- Chanticleer small vocal ensemble
2008-2009 -5- James Ehnes violin
2008-2009 -6- Angela Cheng piano
2009-2010 -0- Season Brochure
2009-2010 -1- Manitoba Chamber Orchestra with Evelyn Glennie percussion
2009-2010 -2- Arion Early Music orchestra
2009-2010 -3- Russell Braun baritone
2009-2010 -4- Tokyo String Quartet
2009-2010 -5- Vienna Choir Boys
2009-2010 -6- Avan Yu piano
2010-2011 -0- Season Brochure
2010-2011 -1- Anton Kuerti and Thibaud Trio piano string trio
2010-2011 -2- National Broadcast Orchestra
2010-2011 -3- Tafelmusik early music orchestra
2010-2011 -4- Afiara Quartet
2010-2011 -5- Richard Margison tenor
2010-2011 -6- UBC Opera Don Giovanni and Chris Gage narrator
2010-2011 -7- Borealis Zukerman Intima Janos-McBride
2011-2012 -0- Season Brochure
2011-2012 -1- Musica Intima a capella small vocal ensemble
2011-2012 -2- Isabel Bayrakdarian soprano
2011-2012 -3- St Lawrence Quartet
2011-2012 -4- Pentaedre wind quintet
2011-2012 -5- Angela Hewitt Piano
2011-2012 -6- Elmer Iseler Singers choir
2011-2012 -7- Victoria Symphony with Nikki Choi violin
2012-2013 -0- Season Brochure
2012-2013 -1- Fine Arts Quartet
2012-2013 -2- Piano Extravaganza four pianos eight hands
2012-2013 -3- Cappella Artemisia early music
2012-2013 -4- Gryphon Trio piano violin cello
2012-2013 -5- Five to Eight wind ensemble
2012-2013 -6- Bach Choir large vocal ensemble
2012-2013 -7- Ben Heppner tenor
2013-2014 -1- Couloir – cello & harp with ensemble
2013-2014 -2- New Orford String Quartet
2013-2014 -3- Simone Osborne soprano with orchestra
2013-2014 -4- Jens Lindemann Trumpet with orchestra
2013-2014 -5- Kings Singers vocal ensemble
2013-2014 -6- ARC Ensemble mixed winds and strings
2013-2014 -7- Louis Lortie piano
2014-2015 -0- Season Brochure
2014-2015 -1- John OConor pianist
2014-2015 -2- Lara St John violin
2014-2015 -3- Violons du Roy with French Horn soloist
2014-2015 -4- QuintEssence small vocal ensemble
2014-2015 -5- Christie Reside flute with orchestra
2014-2015 -6- Turning Point Ensemble large chamber group
2014-2015 -7- Borealis Quartet with St Petersburg Quartet
2015-2016 -0- Season Brochure
2015-2016 -1- Bergmann Duo 2 pianos with orchestra
2015-2016 -2- Ensemble Caprice early music
2015-2016 -3- Chor Leoni Mens Choir
2015-2016 -4- John Avison Chamber Orchestra wind soloists
2015-2016 -5- Vogler String Quartet with Ian Parker piano
2015-2016 -6- Appolo e Dafne voices with orchestra
2015-2016 -7- Istvan Vardai cello with orchestra
2016-2017 -0- Season Brochure
2016-2017 -1- Lafayette String Quartet
2016-2017 -2- Poulenc Trio and friends piano and winds
2016-2017 -3- Andre Laplante piano with orchestra
2016-2017 -4- Canadian Guitar Quartet
2016-2017 -5- Vancouver Chamber Choir and Bergmann Duo
2016-2017 -6- Gleusteen violin & Ordronneau piano with orchestra
2016-2017 -7- La Boheme UBC Opera ensemble
2017-2018 -0- Season Brochure
2017-2018 -1- Vienna Masters
2017-2018 -2- Rolston Quartet
2017-2018 -3- Russian Masters
2017-2018 -4- Gryphon Trio
2017-2018 -5- Jan Lisiecki
2017-2018 -6- Zodiac Trio & Ariel Barnes
2017-2018 -7- Charles Daniels and Pacific Baroque Orchestra
Poulenc Trio – October 2016
2018-2019 -0- Season Brochure
2018-2019 -1- Canadian Piano Quartet
2018-2019 -2- Mahler’s Song of the Earth
2018-2019 -3- Mozart’s Gran Partita
2018-2019 -4- Trio Tre Voci
2018-2019 -5- Vancouver Cantata Singers 2018-2019 -6- Duo Concertante 2018-2019 -7- Ô-Celli
2019-2020 -0- Season Brochure
2019-2020 -1- Colin Carr, cello
2019-2020-2-St. Lawrence String Quartet
2019-2020-3-Bergmann Duo and Turning Point Ensemble
2019-2020-4-Mark Fewer and the John Avison Chamber Orchestra, with Marcel Bergmann
2019-2020-5-musica intima
2021-2022 -0- Season Brochure
2021-2022-1-Ian Parker
2021-2022-2-The Young Beethoven
2021-2022-3-Chor Leoni
2022-2023-0- Season Brochure
2022-2023-1-Concerti de Duo Rendezvous
2022-2023-2-Opera Galore!
2022-2023-3-Clarinet Quintets
2022-2023-4-From Bach to Piazzolla
2022-2023-5-Angela Hewitt
2022-2023-6-The Montrose Trio
2023-2024-0-Season Brochure
2023-2024-1-Intersection Trio
2023-2024-2-Stewart Goodyear
2023-2024-3-Cameron Crozman
2023-2024-4-Vancouver Cantata Singers
2023-2024-5-Percussiano 3
2023-2024-6-Buzz Brass
2024-2025-0-Season Brochure
2024-2025-1-Strings and Harp
2024-2025-2-Jaeden Izik-Dzurko
2024-2025-4-CARION Wind Quintet
2024-2025-5-Penderecki String Quartet
2024-2025-6-Pocket Symphonies